Apr 24, 2007

Pime Taradox

If you were falling vertically into a bottomless pit with a powerful shotgun with infinite bullets, disregarding the fact the earth's core exist or the earth is round. By maintaining the fact that gravity is acting on you downwards. The fall is endless and you'll keep falling until your death.

a.) Will you die of shock due to 'predicted' impact/height issues, or starvation due to lack of water and food?

b.) If the fall has been going on for awhile now and you've not died yet. You decided to use the shotgun and fire down below the bottomless pit. The recoil of the shot you made using the shotgun would change your velocity and fall rate. What will happen?
(i) - You stop for a moment and become suspended in air after the recoil
(ii) - You stop for a moment and floats up a little, shoot enough times and you'll get pushed out of the bottomless pit?
(iii) - You continue falling at the same rate, despite the recoil?

Have fun guessing.


Aether Disciple said...
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Aether Disciple said...

Lets assume gravity is acting normally causing you to accelerate 9.8 m/s^2

Lets assume you are a normal American about 160 lbs.
thats 72.6 kg.

you have been falling for a while so you have reached terminal velocity and are moving downward with negligent air resistance.
710.5 Newtons of force downward is the force your exerting as you fall

In order to stop you need to exert that same force up with the shotgun

In order to more upward you have to be constantly exerting force downward greater then 710.5 newtons so that you overcome gravity

I shoot trap (clay pidgins flying though the air) and since I am not knocked down by the shot gun every single time I pull the trigger I can guarantee that the force is not 710 for each shot

Lets assume that the force of each bullet is 100 newtons (Which is huge) that would mean you need to shoot 8 bullets a second to overcome the force of gravity

and you would need to do this constantly, if you reloaded for, say 3 seconds you would ruin minuets of shooting downward

and since the average shotgun does not have a magazine bigger then 5....
The concept of propelling yourself upward or stopping is logically impossible

Its not
its not even
(III) because technically you exert a force downward and slow your fall for a split second

its more likely at some point you will either not be able to breath from environmental conditions or the former "Starve to death" option
If it were up to me I would only need a shotgun with one bullet. Starving to death is not a fun way to go.

No guessing involved, just science.

Barthol said...

1. You can't have a bottomless pit, cause a pit is something that has a bottom.

2. if there's no bottom, there's no gravity towards the "bottom".

3. Discarding all unnecessary props, you would probably just fly until there's no more energy to keep you moving.

TheTurnipKing said...

What I want to know is, if you so shoot downwards, will you eventually hit your own bullets?