Feb 28, 2007

Impromtu sentosa woooz~

I so don't feel like blogging.. but i'm going to give some eyefucking pictures
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Feb 26, 2007


So they say, you lose 21 grams the moment you die..

So, where the hell did the 21 grams go, and what the hell is that 21 grams?
Some people believe it's the SOUL of your body while some say it's just your last breath.
Funny, someone died on a weighing scale?
Turns out bored scientist had nothing better to do other than 'check out how people died and stuff'

Anyways, not much recently, pics galore today
Candid shots over.. ready to..

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Kay I'm done for today

Gareth Dean Lee

My pen is in uranus

I lol'd

If ur kinda dumb, highlight the bottom line
My Penis In Ur Anus

Feb 21, 2007

Paradox!!!!1111 (the second)

A bet with GOD.

Royston : Hey God, I wanna bet with u and i believe i'd win

Royston : I want you to create a stone so heavy that you can't lift and lift it =)
GOD : ...


Feb 20, 2007


Here's somethings to ponder about..(and maybe try)

Kill yourself by holding your breath
Make an elephant jump
I am my Grandfather's Father.
Do not go near the water until you learn how to swim
Think Nothing
iie waarn twwuu biiee twwit wooorhx

Boy A : Boy B doesn't lie, ever...
Boy B : Boy A doesn't say the truth, ever...

Here, this is what i wrote for a fag who used YOUR MOM on me:

3 results for: YOUR MOM

View results from: Google | Google | Royston | Google | My Mom

Pronounced as - 'E-orh-marm'

1. Signifying once displeasure in another individual and TRYING to harm them with the word YOUR MOM to inflict maximum damage

2. Used often by unglam delinquents much like Singapore's WANGSTERS who believes one's mom is the cure for their deadly AIDS disease

3. Due to lack of creativity, used when they've ran out of ideas on how to retaliate to an internet-fight(OH NO). Overall for people who almost negative 1337 IQ points.

Related links : Your Dad, Your Sister, Your Mom's Mom, Your Dad's Mom, Your Dad's Mom, Your Sister's Mom.

Anyways, What sucks... CHILDREN suck

Children are awesome parasites which feed on their parents and SUCK their parents moolahs till they grow so frail and old and weakly. Most dispose their parents in Folks' Home and call it quits.
Children makes so much noise, spend money, are annoying, are not productive, born to grow old and die. Resource wasting creation by someone named GOD(or whoever he is; depending on what religion are you) pile of garbage. The unsurpassed amount of faggotry they produce is so much that one may be overwhelmed with superior and epic FAILNESS.

I hate kids.. that's that. My mom believe that when i was young, i had a trauma with kids, thus hating them. Well whatever the reason I still hate them. And i never said i liked myself either.

Oh wait, I don't hate kids.. I hate everyone (:

Here's a selfpic i took around 20 minutes ago
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Feb 19, 2007

CNY; the wrath of the seniors

Chinese New Year, a simple festive holidays where red, unglam and oddly designed packets are distributed 'cuz it's all customary if you're married', helluva noise and some illegal fireworks in motion.
So basically, today's like the 3rd day of CNY and still buddha-knows-when it'll end. Untill that day, I'll just have to face my grandpa's ANG POW SUIT and dinner at relatives whom i don't really care nor want to at all.
FYI, the ANG POW SUIT is totally wtfbbq-ish.

Okay so today morning, i was rudely awakened by my parents to have lunch with them, 'cuz my dad wanted so'.
Dad : "Jack's Place"
Mom : "Good idea, don't you kids love it?"
Winston : "YAY"
Royston : "Wait...... whaaaat?"

Got into one of my NIU KLOTHES and headed for the nearest Jack's Place, which is a stone throw's(maybe like, 50 stone throws to be exact) distance. Arrived at Jack's Place we had, closed for the day written on door it was.
Royston : "KFC!"
Dad : "KFC?"
Mom : "The kids love KFC"
Winston : "YAY"

After our fattening meal, my mom decided to look at vase which were outside the KFC restaurant, then my dad just came on being himself..
Dad : "I tell you arh, these paintings are $35 each or so they say, since if they can't finish selling it, let's SLASH em"
Dad : "Allo boss, I'll buy 5 of these paintings at $10 each."
(Do know, if these vase sellers don't finish selling the products, they won't be able to go back to their country to celebrate the rest of CNY)
I has left the scene.


6pm, let's be merry and head to my uncle's house!
Got there in 15 minutes, finished the dinner in 2 minutes, sat around like i was invisible for the next hour.

7:30pm, teh most amusing thing happened.. my phone vibrated, killing most of my soldiers and searched for it in my pocket. Written on the LCD display screen was 'Grace'


Turns out it was Grace, who was stranded in town alone, with no hopes of surviving and probably facing extinction. And lol did she sounded different from what i depicted.

During the time i was on the phone, the noise in the house became 'more expressive and angsty'
My dad was literally screaming with my grandpa on some stupid dispute.
Had to go out and hear what Grace was actually trying to say, I mean.. you're lost, frantic, and facing extinction but no one really cares.


Got home and only noticed how 'fly' my hair and new clothes were, and lucky for you people, I'm not a camwh0re, thus no pics =D

Feb 18, 2007

A new blogskin -- IN THE NEAR FUTURE

(4:19 PM) 聖騎士団ソル He: fee see
(4:19 PM) 聖騎士団ソル He: might i have blogskin soons?
(4:20 PM) feez&HOT!DAMN!LU: yep
(4:20 PM) feez&HOT!DAMN!LU: but i'm gg malaysia
(4:20 PM) feez&HOT!DAMN!LU: might take quite long
(4:20 PM) 聖騎士団ソル He: arh sunday eh?
(4:20 PM) 聖騎士団ソル He: i wanna brog =X

(4:21 PM) feez&HOT!DAMN!LU: jus blog first cos?
(4:21 PM) feez&HOT!DAMN!LU: cos u cant hurry me to do something
(4:22 PM) feez&HOT!DAMN!LU: when the inspiration is not there
(4:24 PM) 聖騎士団ソル He: okays
(4:24 PM) 聖騎士団ソル He: PEDOBEAR BLESSES U

As you can see, seems like a long-awaited, superiorly-grand and damnit-its-so-awesome blogskin will be delayed. A blogskin filled with pedobears, pandas and crazy assed no link objects which will give noobs a run for their eyefucking experience.

So basically, this blog will be full of rants, egofucked-driven attitude with absolutely no thoughts on who and what might be harmed due to my sarcasm, hurtful words and whatnot.

A preview of what this blog may be filled with.

Feb 17, 2007