Jul 21, 2007


After 86 post on this blog
87th on this

The Harry Potter spoilers
The fun days
The Holder series

Maybe it's time to switch to LiveJournal.. seems feasible..

Jul 19, 2007


Okay I didn't read properly, now i got everything important.
There will be no more spoilers after this =D LULZ

So whose up for a invasion outside a Times bookshop on the release date?

Jul 16, 2007

Alright, I'm getting butt hurt now

Well actually, i wanted to post something on the rants of equilibrium, too bad I'm such a bastard on these spoilers!


Random pages yo!

Jul 14, 2007


Hello all Potter fans
(if any of you actually read my blog)

I give you, spoilers on
Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows


Who dies in the 7th book?
Lupin(The nice teacher who becomes a werewolf who appeared in Prisoner Of Azkaban),
Percy(this death occurs before the wedding, thus throwing everything into chaos),

Snape's loyalty? Much debated from the time he killed Dumbledore eh? The two did indeed have a plan that would eventaully result in Snape killing him. But Snape was only in on things for personal gains. When Voldemort learns of this, he is obviously furious with Snape. Snape tries to make up for this by luring Harry to him. Harry, however, manages to escape, which lead to Voldemort killing Snape before the final conflict.

How does Ron die? He got killed by Bellatrix Lestrange in The Battle of Hogwarts, but Neville manages to finish off Bellatrix after Ron weakens her before his death.

Harry is not a horcrux, and he doesn't die.

R.A.B is indeed Regulus Black, like everyone predicted. lulz!

How do i know?

Part 2 of Victory

'Look, Serverus knew what he needed to do in the end. If he hadn't wanted to help us, he wouldn't have, and we would never have found the horcrux in Sirius's house. And you saw how Severus went down. Someone who doesn't care wouldn't have faced up to Him like that and been willing to die that way.'

Heh, Submitting this prolly!

Part 1 of victory

Hairy Porter and the Philosopher's Stoned
Hairy Porter and the Chamber of Sucrose
Hairy Porter and the Prostitute of Azkaban
Hairy Porter and the Giblets of Fish
Hairy Porter and the Ordering of the Pizza
Hairy Porter and the Half-Dressed Princess
Hairy Porter and the Dusty Bellows

Jul 12, 2007


This cracked me up today

Prof. Ninja : HAI IM BACK LOL My previous account got banned for smurf porn, added you back with this account

Jul 7, 2007


Transformers (insert weird tune music here) Robots in disguise! Transformers (insert it here again) More than meets the eyes!

Reliving your childhood, on the big screen, the cartoon you once watched has been immortalized in the cinema you just entered. You see Optimus Prime as a real truck, a real giantnoid mecha-like hugeass robot. So I caught Transformers with bing sheng, kaisi and chong kiat. Good ol' chonky didn't buy bingit's ticket, didn't pick up phone and lastly late; first 15 minutes of the show was NOT WATCHED, but i still have my ways. NOSTALGIA SESSION GO!

Optimus Prime being Orion Pax before his present self

Energy Axe.

Counterpart for his cartoon, a Energy Sword LOL

Cartoon Truck yo!

Movie Truck!

Movie Prime

Transformers G2 Prime
Transformers G1 Prime is seen wielding his axe a few images before this

Megatron on original box art

Megatron is modern cell-shading

Megatron in Transformers G1
Oh Megatron, look how you've become so cool

I'm not exactly a fan of Prime, but you people just have to make do with a Prime & Megatron, due to the fact if i poast moar pics of Bubblebee, Jazz and everyone else, even a 30MBPS internet would need time to load my page.

The movie was awesome, even though it's not THAT GOOD of a storyline. Basically, you have 5 or less second for every action scene which happens OH SO FAST. Oh yeh, this movie is more human-story focused. The cartoons were just.. robots robots robots robots and humans(no sam witwicky, just his father and grandfather who align themselves with the robots)
In any case, the Captain William Lennox actor also acted in Turistas. CGI effects were to die for I tell you, puts Fantastic 4 to great shame, lol silver surfer.

7.5/10 YO!
Actions is not equals to Story

Hey, I do expect a sequel, maybe do something on Dinobots and Beast Wars/Machines. Both spinoffs after the original Transformers. Here's a few images



Megatron II

Optimus Primal
Too many awesome machines, can't poast nemoar

Do note, Optimus Prime(Transformers) is not Optimus Primal(Transformers : Beast Wars)
Megatron(Transformers) is not Megatron II(Transformers : Beast Wars)
Maximals(Beast Wars) ARE descendants of Autobots(Transformers)
Predacons(Beast Wars) ARE descendants of Decepticons(Transformers)

Jul 5, 2007


Graffiti decorations, under a sky of dust
A constant wave of tension, on top of broken trust
The lessons that you taught me, I learn were never true
Now I find myself in question. THEY POINT THE FINGER AT ME AGAIN
Guilty by association. YOU POINT THE FINGER AT ME AGAIN

Reliving them yet again, thanks to Andrew. Too bad their new album suck bums ):
Ain't it awesome? We've got childish people on kaisi's blog. Conspiracy! Society! Criminal! OMYAH OMYAH OMYAH!

Apparently, sec 4 students have plenty of time this year. Considering the amount of time left for O levels. See that tree? Ah yes, a FAGGOT TREE.

· got · tree [fair-gert-tree] noun
1. - A tree that sprouts faggots, usually in bright colors. Most often the budding faggots sport clean grip tape and socks.

Faggots can refer to any of the following.
1. A homosexual
2. A bundle of socks
3. A cigarette, in some cultures
4. A kind of meatball
5. A regular on the IRC
6. BoA
7. Person born on the last thursday before last
8. theredskull!
9. Bigbadron
10. A Slipknot fan
11. Your Mom
12. Confession
13. Anyone with a myspace
14. Anyone with a LiveJournal
15. Anyone
16. Akon

The faggot tree grows a new branch everytime someone does something faggy. At it's current rate, it will consume the known universe to us by Last Thursday

How can i tell if I'm a FAGGOT?
1. When you were born was another branch added to the faggot tree?
2. Do you like buttsecks?
3. Do you fantasize about buttsecks?
4. Can you not stop watching youtube?
5. Do you have a Myspace or LiveJournal
6. Do you get all butthurt when someone disagrees with you?
7. Do you find THIS amusing?
8. Are you a faggot?
9 . Do you spam blogs on their tagboard being all butt almighty?
10. Do you wash your hair everynight?
11. Are you a girl with really small eyes?
12. Does your name sound like a confectionery shop?
13. Are you seemingly fat to people who don't really like you?

Paperbags and angry voices, under a sky of dust
Another wave of tension, has more than filled me up
All my talk of taking actions, these words were never true
Now I find myself in question. THEY POINT THE FINGER AT ME AGAIN
Guilty by association. YOU POINT THE FINGER AT ME AGAIN

Stickam is fun yo!

Jul 1, 2007

Here comes nothing

So since i found my mp3, decided to do this which came from fee see's blog.
Put your music player on shuffle. Press forward for each question. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if they don't make sense.
I'm about the only one with alot of japanese songs in my mp3 player, so i guess should be interesting

How are you feeling today?
Drunkard Does Make Wise Remarks by Daisuke Ishiwatari

Will you get far in Life?
LOVE HOLIC by some weird girl

How do your friends see you?
Believe by Nami Tamaki

Will you get married?
Easy Come, Easy Go! -Risky Style- by B'z (OMG LOL)

What's your best friend theme song?

What's the story of your life?

What was high school like?
Tactics by The Yellow Monkeys

How can you get ahead in life?
vertical infinity by T.M.Revolution (wow?)

What's the best thing about your friends?
reborn by Kitadani Hiroshi & Matsumoto Rica (???)

What is today going to be like?
Keep On Dancing by No Doubt

What's in store for this weekend?
NEO SPHERE by T.M.Revolution

What song describes you?
I.D.E.A - "I dream Everyday" by RoST

To describe your grandparents?
Damei! by Izumi You (now this scares me, in japanese, damei means STOP >_>)